Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another "shed" ride ― yeah, I know, so what?

I have given my rigid singlespeed (above) a name: Creaky Monkey! Hey, B.B. King has Lucille, right? Anywho, over the last two days ridin' at the "shed" the noise level has risen to a new high! Now I am no "wrench" so I really have no idea what the source is . . . but, I think it is either the bottom bracket, or somewhere in the headset (or, absent either of those, it could just be my old knees)! Everything seems tight, so it is not because anything is loose ― still, it remains. So, it will just have to be, I suppose!

Brewed for McSorley's Ale House, the oldest continuously operating pub in New York City. McSorley's Ale is brewed with carefully malted barley and European style hops to create a light-bodied, aromatic, Irish-style specialty ale. Craft-brewed with the same care and attention to detail that has made McSorley's a regional favorite since John McSorley's 1854 arrival in the United States.

So, after tonight's ride it felt like a "two" special beers night! I had both the McSorley's Ale and the Black Dog Ale ― both were quite tasty, though I favored the McSorley's (and, as you can see, Sidd[hartha] there fancied the Black Dog more) !

Deep red, clear. Moderate carbonation. Mild-moderate head, fluffy and creamy, stratified lacing. Spicy warm hops. Sweet malt, caramel and a little nut. Medium bodied. Starts smooth and finishes with a nice little carbonation kick. Sweet caramel and nut malt base. Some coffee and mild chocolate notes. Nicely balanced with herbal hops, floral and spicy notes.

Man, I wish our Golden Retriever (Deco, aka Mr. Peepers) could do this! Talk about “man’s best friend,” trust me, if it’s not his orange rubber ball thingie with two legs and the ears chewed off, it ain’t gonna happen (see yesterday's entry and you will see what I mean)!

Ahh, we both remember when our office was really an office; now, however, it is the storage center for the bikes we ride on a regular basis ― my how things can change in such a short period of time! From writing books to riding bikes, all in less than a year ― who woulda thunk it? We love it!

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