Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Not a great ride (or even a good beer) today!

Went out to the "shed" for our usual quick (one hour) ride out the Blue (south side) from Hamburg Road, then on to the Lawnmower Trail and back on the Blue; however, Brie hit a rock at a bad angle going out and took a bad spill! She put a large "dent" in the area of her shin and was in a good deal of pain so we rode back to Hamburg Road, iced her leg down for a bit, then headed on home. Needless to say, we both needed a beer (in addition to more ice, Tylenol, etc.)!

I had picked up a sixer of Phin & Matt's Extraordinary Ale at the package store near our house on my way home from work and was looking forward to a new ale (to me) after the ride. Well, it was okay nothing to write home about and, definitely not extraordinary (at least in my opinion)! In fact, I must say reading "The Tao of Singlespeeding" while taste-testing this brew was far more interesting than the beer itself!

Anywho, Brie was a good bit better as the night went on and by the morning she was off to the gym, as usual, at 5:15 AM!
So, we should be set for a quick "shed" ride tonight before heading over to The Bicycle Escape to see/hear Jeff Jones and his bikes!

When Phin and Matt sat down to collaborate on their new beer, they knew it had to be different if they were to call it extraordinary. "Lets sprinkle it with fairy dust and wave our magic wands," said Phin. "No way," said Matt, "We've got to do better than that. This beer has to be better than any other in the galaxy." "Let's do some market research." So the two strapped on their rocket pack packs and traveled to the intergalactic beer store.After sampling an array of beers from across the galaxy, the duo hit on an idea. "I've got it" exclaimed Matt, "we'll use vast amounts of whole hops, the finest malt, and put a little more love in every batch." "Eureka!" shouted Phin. And thus became a beer so fresh and tasty the duo put their names on it. 37 IBU's, 5.6% ABV

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