Monday, June 16, 2008

Another ho-hum beer tonight ― disappointing!

Woody Creek White

ABV: 4.8%
Plato: 11.7
IBU's: 17
Specialty Malts: Belgian Pilsner Malt, Malted White Wheat, Oats, Unmalted Wheat, Flaked Wheat, Flaked Oats
Hops: German Hallertau
Process: Brewed with coriander and bitter orange peel

Woody Creek White is a traditional Belgian-style Wit Beer, brewed with unique ingredients like orange peel and coriander, resulting in a refreshing and slightly citrus flavor, perfect for the "Dog Days of Summer."

Although I enjoy a good many of their fine beers, this one was just too malty and too light for my own personal taste! Oh, well it happens! Tomorrow on my after-work solo spin (my girl won't be able to ride with me, unfortunately ― workin' for da' man!) around Schaeffer Farm I might head to The Dogfish Head Alehouse for a couple nice craft beers! Then back home to Frederick to cook out on the grill and have a couple of beers with my girl! That should more than make up for tonight's disappointment!

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