And, I recognized quite a number of others in the SSOFT! But, I must say, that Mrs. Outlaw (aka Julie Whitehair, a SSO herself) was one of the nicest persons to talk to! Here we were, two newbies, and she sits down next to us and makes us feel like we are old friends! Quite a quality, I must say! So, Mrs . Outlaw, thanks so VERY much for that, Brie and I appreciate it more than you might ever imagine! And, thanks to Joe for arranging all this (including some really great Clipper City brews) and Tom and Danielle at The Bicycle Escape for putting on a great evening!
Now, where is my economic stimulus check, Mr. President? I need it to purchase a more earth-friendly mode of Ti-ransportation!!
Loose Cannon Hop3 Ale
Hops: Magnum, Centennial, Chinook, Amarillo and Palisade
Malts: Crisp English Pale, Carapils, and Munich
ABV: 7.25%
Loose Cannon Hop3 Ale - called Hop 3 (hop cubed) ale to reflect the enormous amount of hops in this beer: over 3 pounds per barrel! Also the beer is hopped 3 ways - in the kettle, in the hop back, and dry hopped. Winner of the Overall Best of Show Award in the Maryland State Governor's Cup 2005 Competition and voted the #1 IPA by Mahaffey’s Pub!
Oxford Class Organic
Amber Ale
Classic amber ale with biscuit and caramel malt flavors, and just enough hops for a crisp finish. Certified organic by MD Dept. of Agriculture #2008-126.
Peg Leg Stout
Hops: Fuggles and Styrian Goldings
Malts: English Pale, Crystal, Chocolate and Black Barley
ABV: Approx. 8.0%
A dry Imperial stout with rich black color and aromas of roasted coffee, molasses, dark chocolate, toffee and caramel. Rich, powerful, and lingering. Available year round.
Glad you made it out. Jeff's passion about bikes is really evident when you talk to him. Super nice guy and damn fine machines!
You're too kind! It's always a pleasure meeting other bikers from Frederick. We'll have to meet up for a ride soon. :)
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