Thursday, July 31, 2008

Brie & Mic decide to go their seperate ways!

Music: "Alter Bridge" by Metalingus

Mic went to Seneca Creek State Park after work to try out the 2003 Surly Karate Monkey 29er that DaveG has for sale and had a great time playin' around on a couple of the trails! Brie elected to head up to the "shed" after workin' a hard day for the City and had a great ride as well!

Chris King 18t rear cog (32t chain ring up front).

Had a coupla' of short draughts after ridin' the Long Draught Trail!

Brie's ride at the "shed" (based on prior rides there; I had the Garmin, and the camera as well)!

More on all this later!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Quite the blog title! I am glad you reunited after your respective rides :)