Sunday, August 31, 2008

Feelin' the burn!

Music: Revenge by Plain White Ts

Okay, so I don't LOOK like I am havin' fun . . . but, I really am! I always falter on this climb with my single speed and for once I make it clean and have Brie (and a video; see above) to prove it! Ya gotta love this S#@t!


Anonymous said...

While you were biking away in the woods, Tara and I were lost in Margaritaville. Yes, I went to my first Jimmy Buffet concert last night and it was amazing. Needless to say I am exhausted with only 2 hours of sleep, but I will still ride that bike today. I did 11 miles on Saturday! Getting comfortable on my bike, and getting in shape to hit the rocks! Congrats on your ride! Mick 1, mountain 0. Take that, mountain!

brie and mic said...

Too cool, Buddy! I never have been to one of his shows! Hey, I am going to ride at Schaefer Farm (near your office) after work today! Great job on the riding, David . . . can't wait to get out on a ride with you! And, thanks for the congrats . . . !

Anonymous said...

Let me know next time you come here to bike, I can leave early and come with you!